Help Your Toddler Talk

For caregivers of toddlers who want immediate access tools and strategies.

What online learning is all about.

The ultimate blueprint to Help Your Toddler Talk includes hands-on video lessons from a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), Rachel McKee. It is a streamlined process on how to help your toddler talk, which has been field tested over thousands of in-person sessions. Rachel has worked with children who have come to her with minimal words and have left therapy speaking in sentences.

Avoid the ‘trial and error’ of having to help your toddler all on your own. Spend less time and money navigating services and waitlists. Allow more time for you to build a connection with your toddler, and enjoy more time together. Worry less about their future and observe their personality grow, all while setting them up for success.

Included are 5 modules and 15 videos (easy-to-digest), and application handouts (12 downloads) to support your at-home learning. Rachel demonstrates what she does in the clinic, using the exact toys and activities she uses nearly every day. She describes how you can modify this to apply the tools and techniques to your everyday routines at home.

Rachel originally created these videos out of a desire to help the families that desperately needed support during the pandemic, because lockdowns and limitations were affecting the services that Ontarians could access for months, and years.

Online education is for you if:

  • You want immediate access to tools you can work through at your own pace at home

  • You lead a busy schedule and managing more appointments while juggling life demands can seem like a lot on your plate

  • You have reached out for support and were met with a long waitlist for services

  • You do not know what information to trust online to help your toddler talk

  • You are seeking private therapy already, but you’d like more resources to supplement your independent learning

Online education is not for you if:

  • Your toddler is already using 50-100 words or is combining words into sentences

  • You do not mind that your toddler is difficult to understand or gets frustrated when trying to communicate

  • You want to ‘wait and see’ if your toddler talks more

Preview of the ultimate blueprint to Help Your Toddler Talk

Select the video below to see a preview.


🔒 Module 1 Lesson 1


Toddlers Playing.jpg
Help Your Toddler Talk
One time

Online learning for caregivers of toddlers ages 1-3 who would like immediate support in helping their toddler talk. One-time payment of $27 CAD for access to all 5 modules.


  • You will have unlimited access to the course for as long as you would like.

  • 12 months = 1 - 5 words

    18 months = 10 - 50 words

    24 months = 50 - 300 words

    36 months = 250 - 1000 words

  • Yes! This course is an in-depth supplement to what you may be starting to learn in therapy.

  • No refunds will be given for the course purchased online.

  • Yes, this course is helpful for Speech-Language Pathologists and Communicative Disorders Assistants. Whether you are a new graduate, a Clinician transitioning from serving the Adult population to serving Pediatrics, or you are simply wanting to enhance your knowledge and skills, this course can help you.